[PC] Payday 2 + Update 12

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  1. Vincent Valentine
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    Hero of C h a o s ~

    NGG Admin

    Payday 2

    Titolo: PAYDAY 2
    Genere: Azione, GDR
    Sviluppatore: OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.
    Editore: 505 Games
    Data di rilascio: 13 Ago 2013
    Lingue: Inglese*, Tedesco, Francese, Italiano, Spagnolo
    *lingue con supporto audio completo
    Tema: Rapine
    Piattaforma: Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
    Distribuzione digitale: Steam
    Periferiche di input: Mouse & tastiera, joypad

    Informazioni Generali

    La trama del gioco vede protagonisti quattro rapinatori, che si destreggiano tra varie strutture, banche, case e musei d'arte. Il giocatore ha la possibilità di decidere come e quando fare il colpo. Alcune missioni sono disponibili solo per un determinato lasso di tempo; il giocatore dovrà, quindi, scegliere con attenzione quali strutture rapinare. I personaggi del team possono essere potenziati per specializzarli secondo quattro archetipi:

    • L'"Enforcer": può utilizzare armi e armature pesanti, muovendosi comunque velocemente e può trasportare un maggior numero di sacchi di refurtiva.
    • Il "Tecnictian": può occuparsi di dispositivi e cassaforti, aggirandoli molto facilmente.
    • Il "Ghost": può passare inosservato, nascondendosi tra i civili nascondendo l'arma, ed è quindi indicato per gli approcci furtivi.
    • Il "Master Mind": è il capogruppo, che può convincere civili e persino i poliziotti a dare una mano, involontariamente, al colpo.

    Rispetto al primo capitolo, è stato aggiunto anche un sistema che permette al giocatore di spendere i soldi derivati dal colpo, per comprare nuove armi e nuovi accessori.





    Requisiti di sistema

    OS:Windows XP SP3
    Processor:2 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor
    Memory:2 GB RAM
    Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 2600 (256MB minimum)
    Hard Drive:10 GB HD space
    Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatible
    OS:Windows XP SP3/Vista/Windows 7
    Processor:2.3 GHz Intel Quad Core Processor
    Memory:3 GB RAM
    Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GTX460/ATI Radeon HD 5850 (512MB minimum)
    Hard Drive:10 GB HD space
    Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatible

    Supporta gli sviluppatori e acquista il prodotto originale

    PAYDAY 2 Update All in One 10-FTS

    update #1 = 0.0.23
    Update #2 = 0.0.24
    Update #2 (hotfix) = 0.0.25
    Update #3 = 0.0.26
    Update #4 = 1.0.27
    Update #5 = 1.0.29
    Update #6 = 1.0.30
    Update #7 = 1.0.31
    Update #8 = 1.0.32
    Update #9 = 1.0.33
    Update #10 = 1.0.34
    Changelog for Update #1 - 20130813

    -Fixed the "card / loot drop crash" that community members would experience while in the money screen or in the PAYDAY.
    -Fixed the "achievement crash" that community members would experience whenever gaining certain achievements. This also solves the issue where players are disconnected from the server.
    -Fixed the "Bad Music" asset on the Nightclub level. It now correctly lowers the amount of people willing to dance to elevator music.
    -Fixed the "Pickup Truck" asset on the Nightclub level. It now works.
    -Removed the TV's in Four Stores' 24/7 store.
    -Removed civilian alert on the office windows facing the street in the Nightclub level. The music is too loud for civvies outside the office to hear. Kinda like in that Hotline Miami level.
    -Removed civilian alert on the fancy striped lamps in the Nightclub level.
    -Fixed alley door in the Nightclub level.
    Changelog for Update #2 & HOTFIX - 20130816

    -CCE gets +10% cost reduction on all purchases on the Black Market.

    -Changed private lobby properties and changed how invite is sent/accepted.
    -Invites to private now works.

    Controller support
    -Expanded Xbox 360 controller support by demand!
    -Text on title screen showing xbox controller support when controller is connected (so you know it is working)
    -You can now do text scrolling with controller
    -Ingame-chat is now visible with controller
    -Ingame-Voice chat is now available through push to talk with controller (press upwards on directional pad)

    -You are no longer told that you will be released from custody as you get into custody (as you are done for...)
    -Fix for crash when joining a spectator camera at times

    -Team AI on/off setting is now saved when changing contract
    -Can't kick a player at mission end screen (let's start with this and see if we need a vote system)
    -Fixed a graphical glitch in end screen when level cap is reached

    Loot Drop
    -When 2 or more of the same weapon mod is in inventory, that weapon mod no longer drops.

    -Bulldozer now talks!
    -Tazer also talks!
    -Fix for client not being able to melee a Bulldozer

    -Added sound to the AK5 reload
    -Improved AK47 reload
    -Fixed bug with extended mag for R870 giving more ammo than intended

    -DOMINATOR - Clients are now able to trade intimidated enemies

    Bank Heist
    -Bank Deposit is more rewarding (and more risky)
    -Fixed an asset problem with cameras not highlighting the control box
    -Fixed catwalk on bank roof that bugged out collision wise

    Firestarter Day 3
    -Fixed some objectives staying even though they were finished in some cases.
    -Fixed the vault door glitch/exploit (you won't “accidentally” fall through it )

    -Reduced the amount of time between Bain saying damage values.
    -Big bug removed on Mallcrasher, that gave players 30x the worth of small windows when destroying 3 bugged windows. Also, rebalanced so that small stuff (vases, bottles etc) give more than before. Also added car windows and upped car destruction value.

    Art Gallery
    -Fix for rare crash when client shoots at enemies while host leaves the game

    -Fixed the pickup asset. Sometimes the guy took a day off and did not show up!
    -Fixed crash sometimes when host was trading hostages
    -Added real bad music to the bad music asset that reduces the amount of civilians in the club.
    -Changed so music stops sooner. This prevents the too long overlap when the assault starts.

    Big Oil
    -Fixed keycard asset from Big oil 1 to Big Oil2 – it spawned 4 cards. Now it spawns 1 card and on the ground int front of the team when they start. The keycard is highlighted. Pick it up and open the door of choice.

    Framing Frame
    -Optimized some collision on the train

    Jewelry store
    -Fixed that if you stand on the safe door on Jewellery store while it's drilling, and then keep yourself on the door while it opens, as soon as you get off the door you fall through the floor to the base of the map, and then teleport back to the playable area. So now you can stand on the safe door.....
    -Fixed so that Bain does not tell you the police are sending in harder units, even though there are no police as you are in full stealth.
    -Made it so the small parking lot booth does not allow the police to walls of it if you are inside.

    -Bain speaks the correct line when player gets money and intel.
    Changelog for Update #3 - 20130819

    Invite system
    •Fixed a bug so that Players can now use the "invite friends" feature in-game again.
    Changelog for Update #4 - 20130821

    -Fixed a bug on the bank job(s) where sometimes the van door wouldn't open, causing progression to halt
    -Fixed a bug on the Firestarter 3 job where sometimes the player could not secure bags
    -Fixed a bug where a secondary gun would not show up in the safe house
    Changelog for Update #5 - 20130822

    -We got word from Bain that the Washington PD is really stepping up their car chase unit - keep
    an extra eye out in the back mirror heading out of your heists
    -Bags - you no longer can grab them through walls, fences and such - the easy days are gone!
    -Revives - gone are the days of reviving your team mate through walls - man up!
    -Your loot bags now show up in a growing pile in your escape car or chopper

    -Updated several skill descriptions
    -ECM jammers can now be used to open ATM machines
    -Tweaked ECM feedback potency
    -Hitman buffed
    -Silent Drilling - Lower the drill sound effect volume when skill is activated
    -Chameleon skill description text is now updated and more descriptive
    -Drill Sergeant BASIC and ACE bonuses increased
    -Buffed Cable Guy ACE
    -Buffed converted cops damage
    -Buffed Underdog BASIC
    -Stockholm Syndrome - Civilians revive the player faster now

    -Fixed that the progress backup save language wasn't clear enough

    -HUD viewpoints no longer clips at the edges

    -Added beeping call sound for the pager call
    -Cranked up the volume on the ECM jammer
    -New Bain-lines added
    -Added new footsteps
    -We now stop weapon animations at mission end to prevent them from triggering sounds - for
    example, no more reload sound from shotgun in mission end screen

    -Fixed pistols (some of them) not using "aiming sensitivity"

    -Crime.net & Menu
    -Crime.net filters! Finally! More filter options in crimenet. Pick difficulty, server numbers,
    new (1 player in) and old (2-3 players in) servers
    -XP tweaks to 1 day jobs vs 3 day jobs, it is now much more worth doing 2-3 day jobs
    -Prevent terminate contract option if signed out (server in failed/disconnected state)
    -Fixed a crash when host sign-out and sign-in during loading
    -Fixed support for ultra widescreen / eyefinity
    -Magically fixed controller for Ingame manual

    -Enemies will now be highlighted when they are behind glass, while player is looking through
    cameras, and the "box" marking heads of enemies will work through glass
    -Gangsters can be highlighted during sneak phase
    -Tweaked enemy surrender chances
    -Sniper shoots less often but packs more punch
    -Taser has more health and is a bit more sadistic
    -Bulldozer has now a higher damage tolerance, and is more evil
    -Taser volume cranked up
    -Converted enemies will no longer have a pager when they die
    -Converted guards on players side don't try to sneak off a call for backup

    -Fix on saw melee

    -Fixed a Steam disconnect issue caused by slow harddrives stalling the network thread
    -Optimize the network code for less waiting

    Mallcrashers Job
    -Lots of new art for the mall such as lamps, barrista furniture and more
    -New asset icons for mallcrasher gas cans are in.
    -Blocked off a place where the player could get stuck if he really wanted to inspect certain gym
    equipment from... interesting angles
    -Fixed a wonky door on Mallcrasher
    -Made the AI move around better on the map
    -Removed the small rooms with the gas cans - reviewers really wanted this

    Framing Frame Job - Train Trade
    -Fixed issues where bags wouldn't count when traded in the Train Trade
    -Bag collision on roof of train fixed
    -Fixed collision in the secret tunnels
    -Removed a floating stone!

    Ukranian Job
    -Safes that would spawn inside of walls have been removed

    Bank Jobs
    -Moved the ATM machines in the lobby a bit so they don't intersect
    -Thermal drill now gets Technician bonuses for speed, alert radius and fixing itself

    Framing Frame Job
    -Fixed disappearing environment on the roof on the penthouse
    -Fixed a light bug
    -Fixed some rare objectives bug

    Four Stores Job
    -ATM machines now have a random chance on appearing
    -Changed civilian animations so that there no longer are stonecold civilians during assaults

    Rats Job - Trade
    -Fixed a crash related to the client drop-in joining and crashing after a couple of seconds

    Art - Miscellaneous
    -Made glass double sided on player van
    -Added window damage on on office dividers with glass in them

    -Added Park Escape in daytime and Cafe Escape in daytime for better variety
    -Removed some flying bushes on the Park Escape

    Watchdogs Job - Truck load
    -Fixed a gate that reacted in a strange way when C4 was used
    -Fixed an issue where bags could be thrown in unreachable places

    Firestarter Job - Day 1
    -Fixed so cameras stop beeping after the alarm goes off

    Firestarter Job - Day 2
    -Fix for cuffed guard that is not detected as suspicious activity
    -Fixed breakable glass in the server room

    Safe house
    -Fix for one secondary slot missing in weapons rack
    Changelog for Update #6 - 20130823

    -Fixed a Steam disconnect crash
    -Fixed collision on Watchdogs Day 1
    -Added so that the ECM blocks pagers if deployed BEFORE they go off. Warning: they come back after the ECM is done.
    -Then you need to deal with them as usual. The ECM is a delay of the call not a terminator of it
    Changelog for Update #7 - 20130826

    -Tweaked the escape rate on several heists, lowering the chance of an escape happening
    -Cable ties will no longer be replenished if dropping out and then into a game again
    -Backup save is now saved automatically every time the user loads back to menu
    -Because backup save is saved automatically, player is no longer asked to save while quitting the game
    -Skill - Silent Drilling - Lowered the drill sound volume when skill is activated
    -Implemented a fix connected to player movement crashes
    -Implemented a fix where players would crash, seemingly because of connection problems, but actually because
    of host issues
    Change-log for Update #8 - 20130827

    Gameplay crash
    -Fixed an issue where the game would crash if the player was trading a hostage to get the host out of custody
    Changelog for Update #9 - 20130827

    -Fix for looping sounds getting stuck for host (while interacting with something giving a bag) when client finishes interacting with the same object
    -Fixed an issue where texture bleed would occur on uppercase "H"
    -Fixed some collision issues
    -Fixed an issue where the player would get stuck in a toilet on the Framing Frame job, Day 1
    -Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck behind doors
    -Made some minor GUI tweaks

    -The two heaviest armors now makes you move slower than before

    -CMP Submachinegun has a new animation and a vertical grip
    -Third person barrel extension (nozzle) named Stubby has an updated texture

    -There now is a higher chance to drop weapon mods for weapons you currently own
    -Some masks are now more rare than they were previously
    -Chance for cash drop cards in PAYDAY is now reduced depending on your reputation level

    -Ghost Tier 4 now reduces the movement speed penalty for armor
    -Ghost Tier 6 now gives your weapons a chance to pierce enemy armor plates
    -Skill - SMG Specialist - ACE - skill has been replaced: it now increases rate of fire for all SMG weapons
    -Skill - Silent killer - ACE - skill has been upgraded: all your silenced weapons now have a chance to pierce enemy armor plates
    -Skill - Lockpicking Expert - ACE - skill has been upgraded: you now also interact even faster while lockpicking
    Changelog for Update #10 - 20130830

    -New seeding for Crime.net contracts. All available contracts will have a chance to be displayed. No more waiting forever for a contract to appear.
    -New Crime.net filter where you can filter on specific contracts.
    -You can now buy contracts available on Crime.net. Bain will set you up for a fee deducted from your Offshore Account.

    -For all stealth crews out there, you can now highlight cameras as long as the alarm hasn't been triggered.

    -Fixed an issue where we changed the interaction point for lockpicking safes, making it work better

    Safe house
    -Due to popular demand from the community, we've improved the safe house vault - if you're rich enough, you'll know what we mean

    -Shinobi - Ace - Changed skill description to more accurately describe what the skill does
    -Juggernaut - Ace - Sprint and shoot upgrade added to the skill
    -Kilmer - Ace - Sprint and reload upgrade added to the skill

    -Stubby can now be modded on the CMP Submachinegun
    -Silenced guns are much better silenced - Try it and see if you like it!

    Bug fixes
    -Infamous ALT Space bug and BEEP keyboard is gone + dead + no more!
    -Fixed an issue with the pager yellow highlights on gangsters killed before cops are alerted

    Release name: PAYDAY.2.Update.AIO.1.to.10-FTS
    Size: 635 MB
    Download: Putlocker

    Install Notes:
    1. Unpack release
    2. Install PAYDAY 2
    3. Extract the content of this archive anywhere.
    4. Run PD2_Upd_AIO_1to10.exe from the /Update dir.
    5. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack dir to your main game dir.
    6. PLAY!

    PAYDAY 2 Update 11-FTS

    -Expert Driver Asset - This will make sure that you won't trigger an escape level (requires the Inside Man skill in the Mastermind Tree)
    -Kick enabled/disabled option added to game settings and Crime.net filter
    -Players can now throw heavy bags into helicopters

    Release name: PAYDAY.2.Update.11-FTS
    Size: 18 MB
    Download: MEGA

    Install Notes:
    1. Unpack release
    2. Install PAYDAY 2
    3. Install Updates 1-10(including Update.2.HOTFIX) or
    4. Run PD2_Update_11.exe from the /Update dir.
    5. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack dir to your main game dir.
    6. PLAY!

    PAYDAY 2 Update 11 HOTFIX-FTS

    Team mates
    • Improved killer instinct for the AI team. They are more aggressive and more prone to stay alive even on the OVERKILL difficulty. Single player never looked more tempting.

    • Much harder OVERKILL! Yes you got it - now dont cry.
    • SWATS now have much better flashbangs - use the shades!
    • More balanced single player sessions
    • BULLDOZERS are now EVIL

    Police AI
    • Added more and better run and walking animations for our dear enemies.

    • Improved Payouts!:

    The Crime.net economy has got a major upgrade. After looking at massive amounts of data and collecting player feedback we have implemented and tested a new economy system.

    Each contract now has reward dependant on the mission specifics. Some contract amounts can seem low but the REAL value is in stealing the LOOT BAGS. If you sling a lot of Coke for Hector he will compensate you greatly. The reward is different depending on the number of coke bags you clear. On the other hand, if you hit Big Oil + it is not at all about bags and more about completion. If you get the engine to the helicopter and escape you get a hefty contract pay. This makes the game more tactical and you have to fight greed on almost every map.

    Thanks to everyone who helped out with this!

    • CrimeNet is now balanced so you can chose to play for XP or Money or a middle way. Learn this by playing the heists on different difficulties. There are some anomalies to be found and taken advantage of!
    • NOTE: If you are in a BAG focused mission, go for the additional bags - they pay out several 100% more than the mandatory bags (for which you get the contract pay). BUT remeber - GREED KILLS!
    • Multiday jobs pay out greatly and are very rewarding once you figure out how to move additional bags through them.

    • Crime.net has reduced its somewhat cluttered info when counting the PAYDAY and contract money for you. You will be presented with a PAYDAY number that shows the amount of money the contract is worth EXCLUDING the LOOT BAGS. This is the offshore account money and 10% of that becomes you spendable cash. Look into it. it is simpler and more straightforward.

    • All cash numbers are now presented as Offshore money until converted to spendable cash.
    • The Contract filter is back!
    • Kick Filters. You can now set Kick enabled and filter on that on Crime.net.

    • We now display mission bags value on PAYDAY for both mandatory and additional bags in TAB stats screen during gameplay.

    • Boosted Aced Combat Medic revive bonus from 25% to 40%.
    • Enemies more affected by ECM feedback and civilians are no longer affected.
    • Added Inside Man Assets on almost all levels so that you can buy a EXPERT DRIVER that 100% takes away the Escape.
    • Made sentry gun tier 6 more effective.

    Loot Drop
    • Added EXP cards in the loot drop for fast leveling
    • Added much better cash cards!

    • New reload animations for the Deagle!
    • Texture fix for the "professional" sight.
    • IZHMA 12G Shotgun damage is buffed.
    • M308 Rifle has had its damage adjusted correctly.
    • Kobus 90 Submachinegun got a damage increase with long barrel weapon mod. added.

    Release name: PAYDAY.2.Update.11.HOTFIX-FTS
    Size: 618 MB
    Download: Putlocker

    *Update 11 must be installed
    *if you have not updated to update 10 yet i suggest using the PAYDAY.2.Update.AIO.1.to.10-FTS
    *please note the new feature with the xdelta patches, after the xdelta patching finishes you will be asked if you had any errors (Y\N). if you had an error you hit "Y" and the update stops and restores your files
    if you had NO errors, you hit "N" and the update will finish
    *Greetings to theF10man and clay65

    PAYDAY 2 Update 12-FTS

    Made tweaks to the economy system - added a whole lot more money to PAYOUTs and matched that with prices. Bags are super important! Or go check out Big Oil...
    Made tweaks to the skill costs, higher tiers are now more balanced
    Increased the XP payout depending on difficulty
    Law enforcement
    Included a feature where law enforcement now can spawn and move in groups of bulldozers, tasers, shields and heavy SWATs
    Tweaked the tactics of the law enforcers - tasers grouped with bulldozers now charge instead of providing support and are more aggressive
    Balanced the bulldozer spawn rates on the different difficulties
    Balanced the tan FBI spawn rates on the different difficulties
    Made a change where we buffed the snipers
    Balanced the FBI Officers so they do less damage but still hurt
    Balanced the Gangsters so they do less damage but still hurt
    Taser now has increased taser range, are also harder to headshot
    Made a fix so that the Cleaner skill works properly with the cooks in the Rats Heist
    Buffed the Bulletproof skill, now absorbs more damage
    Nightclub heist
    Made several fixes connected to AI movement pattern and collision
    Diamond Store heist
    Made a fix to the ATM machines
    Made a fix to the Expert Driver asset
    Made a fix where the escape van wouldn't be enabled in some cases
    Tweaked the number of guards that spawn
    Balanced the Mark 10 Submachinegun, lowering its damage output
    Balanced the Para Submachinegun, lowering its damage output
    Buffed the ECM jammer by increasing the range
    Titan safes
    Made a fix to the Titan safe timer, lowering it to great extent

    Release name: PAYDAY.2.Update.12-FTS
    Size: 17MB
    Download: Putlocker

    - Install Notes -
    1. Unpack release
    2. Install PAYDAY 2
    3. Install Updates 1-11(including Update.2.HOTFIX and Update.11.HOTFIX)
    4. Run PD2_Update_12.exe from the /Update dir.
    5. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack dir to your main game dir.
    6. PLAY!
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